Where and When:
Dates: 19-21 January 2018
Loactions: VFA Headquarters will be located in the Ramada Inn
Call: 540-434-9981 or 800-272-6232
Tell them you are with the VA Falconers’ Group
Room rates will be posted shortly
Take the most Southern Harrisonburg exit (mile #243) from Rt. I-81
Go North on Rt. 11 about two blocks to the motel on your right
19 January
Noon – Meet Starts – individual/informal hawking groups
6:00 PM – Meet at VFA Headquarters room for informal dinner parties
8:00 PM – Officers & Directors Closed Meeting (VFA Board only)
20 January
7:30 AM – Breakfast – informal groups
9:00 AM – Meet in motel rear lot for group picture
9:30 AM – Q&A, Hawk Talk & Demo for general public
9:30 AM – Regular & Associate Members & invited guests* meet in parking lot near Headquarters
to form hunting parties
*We have have had to set limits on the numbers of non-falconers who can accompany hunting parties into the field, due to logistic challenges.
Noon – Informal lunch & return to Ramada to re-form hunting groups ~1:00 PM
7:00 PM – VFA group dinner**, all Members & invited guests at location TBA. **remember to sign up for dinner @ HQ to be included in the headcount.
9:00 PM – Presentations & Membership Meeting
21 January
7:30 AM, Noon, & 1:00 PM – Same as Saturday
9:00AM - Regular & Associate Members & invited guests meet in parking lot near Headquarters to form hunting parties
Noon – Re-form hunting groups and have lunch or depart for home
Meet is completed as/when members and their guests return home
Dates: 19-21 January 2018
Loactions: VFA Headquarters will be located in the Ramada Inn
Call: 540-434-9981 or 800-272-6232
Tell them you are with the VA Falconers’ Group
Room rates will be posted shortly
Take the most Southern Harrisonburg exit (mile #243) from Rt. I-81
Go North on Rt. 11 about two blocks to the motel on your right
19 January
Noon – Meet Starts – individual/informal hawking groups
6:00 PM – Meet at VFA Headquarters room for informal dinner parties
8:00 PM – Officers & Directors Closed Meeting (VFA Board only)
20 January
7:30 AM – Breakfast – informal groups
9:00 AM – Meet in motel rear lot for group picture
9:30 AM – Q&A, Hawk Talk & Demo for general public
9:30 AM – Regular & Associate Members & invited guests* meet in parking lot near Headquarters
to form hunting parties
*We have have had to set limits on the numbers of non-falconers who can accompany hunting parties into the field, due to logistic challenges.
Noon – Informal lunch & return to Ramada to re-form hunting groups ~1:00 PM
7:00 PM – VFA group dinner**, all Members & invited guests at location TBA. **remember to sign up for dinner @ HQ to be included in the headcount.
9:00 PM – Presentations & Membership Meeting
21 January
7:30 AM, Noon, & 1:00 PM – Same as Saturday
9:00AM - Regular & Associate Members & invited guests meet in parking lot near Headquarters to form hunting parties
Noon – Re-form hunting groups and have lunch or depart for home
Meet is completed as/when members and their guests return home
- The VFA Board regrets that no arrangements will be made to provide approved hunting sites. We strongly suggest you arrive on Friday in time to find hunting sites and acquire permissions.
- Please sign the attendance sheet provided on the Headquarters door and indicate on the other sheet all quarry taken during the meet. If you take quarry on Sunday after you depart, you should inform Janet Zwerner, [email protected]; or Lee Chichester, [email protected]
- Failure to inform the meet director that you intend to be included in the Saturday dinner could lead to your exclusion from the group due to space constraints. Please do not forget to sign the dinner sheet at Headquarters.
- Anyone who has nice falconry pictures, please send along to Leah at [email protected]
- All attending VFA members are asked to provide an item for the meet. Please contact Janet Zwerner ([email protected]) and let her know what you are bringing.